Saturday, March 19, 2016

Top 3 Benefits of Guest Posting
One of the most given tips forbuilding back-links and building a brand is via guest posting. Before I will start what are the benefits of Guest posting, I would suggest you to look into how to craft a Guest blogging campaign. This will give you enough idea about how to get started with maximum ROI. Anyways, lets move back to topic and see some of the reasons why you should start guest posting today.

Guest posting, unlikely to older days, is very much famous now. Thanks to all the big and famous blogs that enabled guest posting and gave the bloggers to do what they would love to. Share their knowledge on a bigger platform or other things as well.
Guest posting is very useful and for me, guest posting later turned out to be a way of income as I became a paid author here. There are still many bloggers who consider guest posting a waste of time and strength. This is a post for the people who don’t consider guest posting as a useful resource. I am pretty sure that I would be able to turn your bad thoughts about guest posting good and good thoughts better in this post. Read on!

Benefits of Guest Posts in plain English:

1. Backlinks
You may know that Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank are very much based on the backlinks factor. You have more backlinks, your ranking would increase. All the blogs which have guest blogging enabled, get most of the guest writers by the backlink factor. Backlinks are very useful and would get you more visits as well. So, backlinks would be the first benefit of writing guest posts.
2. Bigger platform
Many times the reason for guest posting for a blogger is that he/she feels that his/her blog is not big enough and the knowledge cannot be widely spread and may go waste. Guest posting helps you to share your knowledge with people on a bigger platform. Not only, you get more famous but your knowledge becomes useful as well. You receive feedback in the form of comments and that’s when you know whether you knowledge is successful to other people or it isn’t.
3. Popularity
This is experienced and tested. I got featured on a site just because of guest posting The person who featured me had read my guest post on and he liked it very much. He appreciated me and shared the article on his site including me in a list of his blog. After the first time I wrote, I received a lot of emails(through the contact form at my blog) which offered me to write guest posts at their blog. The frequency has slowed down now but has never stopped. You become more popular if your article is good enough to attract the eyeballs.
    Can you think of more benefits of Guest posting? Do let us know via commenting.
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