Saturday, March 19, 2016

Is Guest Blogging Useful or Just Waste of Time?

Do you think guest blogging is a waste of time? Why I will write for other? If your answer of first question is yes, then you are missing some great things from your blogging life. And if the second question is your question then this article is for your and going to answer your question.

Ok you would be surprise that blogger want to publish their best post to other blog!! Oh my god is it true? Yes it’s true. If you can’t believe me ask any famous blogger or open a thread in any blogger forum, you will understand. Now I am sure you are so much interested to know why they become crazy to post their best content to other blog, Right? Well, guest blogging may not the only but one of the main reason to become popular and celebrity in blogosphere for any blogger.

Is guest posting waste of the time?

Guest Blogging for targeted Traffic
Have you ever write any guest post? If you write then have you checked the bounce rate of the traffic you got from guest blogging? I wrote guest post checked it, where my average bounce rate is 56%, the bounce rate of traffic from guest blogging is only 21%!! That’s refer all the traffic was very targeted traffic.  I also checked traffic from social networking site. But the traffic from guest blogging is working best for me and it will be for you too. And the traffic from guest blogging is sustainable. You will get traffic from your guest post after weeks, months even years. All of your guest post is alive in archive forever. So here is source of your targeted traffic which is alive forever
Relation with other bloggers:
To become popular in blogosphere, you must have a good relation with fellow bloggers and guest blogging is a great way to make a good relation with other blogger. It’s a win-win situation. Blogger gets a great content for his or her blog and guest poster gets Backlinks, targeted traffic and trust from other blog reader. If you post a quality post on other very popular blog, you will be a part of their blog popularity.
    Achieving trust from reader is not so easy especially in the early stage of blogging. But what will happen if you can publish a post in very popular blog. Every popular blog has a good amount of loyal reader. And they trust their blogger. So if they find another blogger who post on their favourite blog, they will trust that quest blogger too as their blogger trusted that guest blogger and allow him or her to post article on his or her blog.So do you still think guest blogging is waste of time? What do you think about guest blogging? If you have anything to share please feel free to comment. Thanks.
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