This is something I did not want to share.I've been using this / testing this for several months now and I know for a fact not everyone knows about these.
I was contemplating putting this in the Jr VIP section, but I thought I would post it here for everyone to benefit.
In fact, I actually had a BST/service with these Twitter accounts in the works.. although I probably won't release it now. If you see anyone selling these accounts anytime soon on BHW's marketplace, there's a high chance they're probably using this same method I'm about to explain or they just saw this thread and decided to capitalize on it by selling a service.
Black Har SEOer story series:
As you saw in the title, these are expired Twitter accounts with great metrics. You've seen expired Tumblr's, Weebly's, etc. This is just like those but with Twitter.
Check out the average metrics of the accounts in my inventory:

I know.. I know.. metrics don't mean much! But I'm just showing you anyway as I know a some of you are addicted with metrics and DA/PA/TF/CF, etc. However, the above were just average metrics. Most of the times, I usually go with strict filters (15+ TF/CF, 50+ PA and 20+ RD).
For example...

Some of you are probably thinking... "Do these even even work? These are no follow links.. it's not going to pass any juice..".I was also under that impression at the start but I did some testing.
I started by sending these directly to a money site (I sent about 20 links twice), with unique descriptions and a fully customized Twitter profile. Did it do anything? Not much. A few increases here and there only.. it wasn't worth the time.
However, I then started using these to pump up/juice up my PBN posts. Results?
I first built some PBN links to a money site of mine. They were both fairly new sites but the PBN links managed to rank the site for both the keywords to #24 and #55. I then waited approx 45 days so that I could give the PBN links enough time to do their magic. I then found 20 Twitter accounts with the above filters I mentioned. Next was getting my VA to build the 20 accounts (this involved adding relevant profile picture, custom cover photo, URL in bio, custom bio and finally an unique tweet with the keyword wrapped inside along with the URL).
The results were interesting...

The keywords went from #24 to #10 and #55 to #14. If you guys read my other thread here, you'll know I also did some tests sending normal social signals to my PBN post pages and most of them improved. So which method is better?
Sending these high metric expired Twitter social signals OR sending a bunch of normal social signals to a PBN post page?
From the tests I had done, I couldn't find much of a difference between both. They both worked. However, which was easier? The easier option for me personally was simply buying normal social signals and sending them to a PBN post page. That was straight forward and I didn't have to spend time scraping anything like I do with the expired Twitter accounts.
At this point I was quite disappointed. I guess I was expecting more from these links. I then ran another test straight afterwards.
I decided to back to my original test where I sent 40 links to the money site directly. This time, I increased the numbers by 5x. I sent 200 of these links dripped out over 10 days. That meant 10 accounts/links per day.
To make the test 100% fair, I registered a brand new domain, added 500 words of decent content, a video and some social sharing icons/etc to make the site complete. I then scraped 200 expired Twitter's, all with the minimum metrics I mentioned above (15+ TF/CF, 50+ PA and 20+ RD).
You guys might be wondering.. "But how does Google know what your keyword is from the Twitter profile?". Well, they're smart enough in my opinion.
Google doesn't really need to know exactly what your keyword is. They're a multi-billionaire dollar company. They're not stupid. As long as your content is unique, descriptive and naturally already has your keywords embedded inside, you should rank. This is the same approach we follow for my Genesis PBN service. Focus on quality content, add in your keywords intelligently, and the rest should work on its own once you build the links.
So, back to what I was saying - I scraped 200 accounts all with my minimum metrics. Last time I ran this test, the money site only moved up slightly but that wasn't acceptable for me. This time I increased the quantity of the accounts by 5x. I targeted similar competition keywords on a brand new domain. Everything was dripped for 10 days. It took a while for results but they finally started showing:
[brand new domain, so no previous rankings - 200 links split across 10 keywords - although the higher competition keywords got more links]

Okay.. now we're talking!
So I guess you need higher quantities of these links to get some results. I was still skeptical though. These links are no follow so how am I still getting results? These are like Wikipedia links so the trust value is there but the actual juice for results? It seemed "too good to be true".
I repeated the tests on a bigger scale with more accounts/links on brand new domains. All of these domains are targeting low-medium competition keywords. None of the keywords were considered hard.
Here are my results:
[brand new domain - no previous rankings]

^^ Yes, they might not be on Page 1 but I can easily get these ranked higher with some other link building afterwards.

^^ NOW WE'RE TALKING! I couldn't believe these rankings were real, so I triple checked using proxies and all sorts. It turns out I was actually ranking higher when searched manually! These keywords were low competition but they have the potential to do nice $$ in a few months. I was #1 for several terms.. awesome! I didn't even need any PBN links, lol. Don't ask me what niche it is.

^^ Some more decent results. I could push these up further with other links later.

^^ Not too shabby!
I'm actually doing more tests as well at the moment but I don't have any concrete/solid data I can share for those just now. However, from all the tests and experiments I did, here are my suggestions:
If you want to pump up/juice up your PBN posts, send some normal social signals towards them on a drip. Generally speaking, that should get things moving. Once that's done, give it a break and then send over these expired Twitter accounts on a drip. Make sure you drip them! This should get you moving up quite nicely.
If you're looking to send these expired Twitter accounts direct to your money site - first of all, do it via a drip. Secondly, do a small test first with <50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">If you decide to use the expired Twitter account method, try not to stress out too much about the PA. The PA is going to be quite high anyway as it's getting the juice from the root domain. Same with TF/CF.. don't worry too much about that. What you want to look out for is the RD and the quality of the backlinks that particular Twitter account has. I stick to a minimum of 10+ RD, but 5+ should be good enough too.
<50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">
When creating the expired Twitter accounts, make the pages look genuine. Don't make it look spammy. And when it comes to the tweet, you're limited to 140 characters. Make it to the point, descriptive, and make sure your main keyword is mentioned so that Google can "pick it up".
Save the logins for your accounts. You might need them again in the future for other URL's.
Don't expect to rank with JUST these expired Twitter accounts. Although I did see some evident results with them, not everyone is going to see similar results. My keywords were mainly low-medium competition.. so also take that into consideration. These expired Twitter accounts should be used to accompany your standard link building campaign (PBN's, web 2.0s, press releases, outreach and so on). Don't start relying on these because you're going to get frustrated pretty easily.
<50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">
Sometimes you just need to wait. These expired Twitter accounts are not going to bring in quick results. Sometimes, you might not even see any movement. It all depends on the quality of the account, your tweet and how optimised it is, your website/keywords and so on. Don't put all your eggs into a single basket just because you expect this technique to bring you easy results. It won't.
These are somewhat similar to Wikipedia links. However, with Wikipedia links it's slightly harder to automate and scale it up in the hundreds. With Twitter, it's actually fairly straight forward once you know the process/route to take. However, be prepared to do a lot of work on the backend to get the perfect accounts scraped.
<50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">
You can use these expired accounts for almost anything. It doesn't have to be sent to your PBN posts/money sites. If you're creative with it, you can experiment with different things and find out what works best for you.
<50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">
With my scraping method, you don't have to just use Twitter. Again, if you're smart and creative enough, you'll think outside the box. Why stop with Twitter? Why not get some high metric, quality expired Instagram accounts, and so on? (although be careful with Instagram.. it's not exactly easy to create the accounts in bulk, especially if the URL on the profile is the same on many accounts).
Okay.. so now that I've explained what these are and what sort of results you can expect with them, you'd probably want to know how to get these expired Twitter accounts. Well, the method/process of scraping these is straight forward. However, scaling it up requires patience and time. I currently have several VPS' with several versions of Scrapebox just running for several hours a day scraping. This is how I'm able to find hundreds of quality accounts. However, even with a basic VPS and a single licence of Scrapebox, you should be able to find some gems! So, let's get straight into the tutorial for scraping these.
<50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">HOW TO FIND EXPIRED TWITTER ACCOUNTS
<50 -="" a="" accounts.="" accounts="" and="" br="" but="" do="" expired="" for="" from="" higher="" i="" it="" quantity.="" requires="" results="" scale="" seen="" the="" these="" things="" twitter="" up.="" ve="" wait="" way="" work="" your="">Scrapebox is needed. I'm actually in the middle of getting a custom scraper built just for this. It's in the works and once it's finished, I will probably share it with you guys here for free if there is enough demand for it. Either way, Scrapebox is cheap at just $67. This was one of the first SEO tools/software I bought and by far this is the most value for money.
1. Once you've opened up Scrapebox, go to the Harvester and add in "". This tells Scrapebox to only harvest URLs that are from "".
2. For the keywords, feel free to import your own keyword lists or generate some yourself using the built in Keyword scraper. The more keywords you have, the better your final scrape.. (but also remember - the more keywords you add in here, the longer your scrape). For the sake of this tutorial, I'm just going to quickly scrape some keywords.

3. Feel free to go hardcore with the keyword scraping. The better your keywords, the better your final results. For this tutorial, I've only put in a quick selection of keywords for the sake of time.
4. Once you have your keywords, you can click "Transfer Results to Left Side" and repeat the scrape again. You can keep doing this until you have a massive list of keywords. Once you're ready, save these keywords to your keyword list on Scrapebox and then exit the scraper. Now if we go back to Scrapebox, you should see your scraped keywords all ready and roaring to go. For this tutorial, I only have around 10K keywords - but I usually have a LOT more.
5. Add in your proxies (if any), and click "Start Harvesting". Select all the options you see on the left and you should have something that looks like this...

6. Click "Start" and let Scrapebox do it's thing.
7. Again, depending on your keywords, VPS/speed, proxies, etc - this step can take a while. I would recommend a VPS so that you can continue using your computer without everything being drained by Scrapebox. I usually scrape keywords for several hours until I have a massive list. And then I let it harvest for most of the day repeatedly.
8. Just for the sake of this tutorial, I'm going to cancel the harvesting session early. Once your session ends, head back to the main window and you'll see all the URL's you've just harvested. On the right, choose "Remove/Filter" and then choose "Remove Duplicate URL's". You should now see something that looks similar to..

9. In this case, I have over 20K Twitter URL's but you should be looking for at least 10x + this amount. You really need a huge list to make the most of this method.. which is why I would recommend a VPS.
10. Now open up the "Scrapebox Alive Check" addon. This is where we'll carry out the first filter to find the ones that are actually expired. Click on "Setup" and enter in "404".

11. Click "Load URLs" and then choose to load it up from the Scrapebox harvester. Now click "Start". Make sure to tick "Use Proxies" if that's what you want. You'll then see something like..

12. The "YES" means the Twitter account has expired and it's one you can register. However, we don't just want any old Twitter account. We want the accounts that have high metrics/authority/quality backlinks.
13. Once your filtering is complete, click "Export" and save the 404 accounts on your computer/desktop/wherever. Now you're almost done! All you have to do now is go to Majestic SEO's Bulk Backlink Checker and paste in all the Twitter URL's. I only did a very limited scrape.. but check out what I managed to find..

14. I know for a fact if I scraped for longer I would of easily found more accounts like the above. As I mentioned previously, the key is to scrape for as long as possible so that your final list when filtered is huge!
15. Manually save the good accounts into another file. If you'd like, you can run these accounts through Moz to see their PA. Usually they will be over 40 anyway but PA isn't really important. What you want are the accounts with good quality backlinks.

16. From this very quick scrape, I found about 10 really nice expired Twitter accounts. Usually I scrape for a lot longer on a lot more machines and that's how I'm able to find hundreds. So once you've done your necessary checks, save the accounts to a final file and you're done!
17. Now you just need to register them (you can also integrate/use Google Voice for creating your accounts). Once you've created your accounts, add in a profile picture, cover photo, add your URL to the bio, add a bio description and then write a descriptive 140 word tweet containing your keyword(s) and URL. Get a VA to do all of the above and you'll save a lot of time. As I mentioned above, the method of scraping these is pretty straight forward once you do it a few times and get the hang of it.
TIP: You don't have to send these Twitter's to your money site / PBN posts. You can use it for other stuff too! Just be creative.
18. Remember, this method I explain is for finding expired Twitter accounts. Think outside the box/be creative and you'll be able to find other pretty cool links too. All it takes is some creativity and the will to experiment with different things.
Scrapebox is such a powerful tool and there are endless possibilities with it. Think outside the box!
Black Har SEOer story series: