Saturday, March 12, 2016

Top online CSS Cheatsheets

Believe it or not ,most of modifications in default Blogger templates that I did were CSS only . And the result are custom templates you see in SimplexDesign blog .Understanding CSS ,even a little can help you in changing elements in website/blog as you want .Changing in Font size,colors ,size of elements ,positions of elements... all of them are CSS 
But how can we remember all of them ,we are not developer and we have no time to do this . So here are 30 CSS cheatsheets ,that you can use for reference ,anytime you want to know about an attribute ,what they mean ,and the role of them

This information was found on this site ,and you can go there to get the original post and more interesting posts. This article is divided in 2 major Sections:

CSS Cheatsheets
CSS3 Cheatsheets 

1,Most Practical CSS Cheat Sheet Yet

CSS Cheatsheets

2,CSS2 Help Sheet

3,Core CSS

4,CSS Cheat Sheet

5,Basic CSS Cheat Sheet


7,CSS Layout Cheat Sheet

8,CSS Font Shorthand Property Cheat Sheet


10,Blueprint CSS Cheat Sheet

11,CSS Shorthand Cheat Sheet

12,CSS Cheat Sheets

13,CSS Shorthand

14,CSS Specificity – Cheat Sheet

15,CSS Shorthand Cheat Sheet

16,CSS Cheatsheet

17,CSS Properties and Values

18,CSS Cheat Sheet

19,Cascading Style Sheets Quick Reference

20,CSS3 Cheatsheets

CSS3 Click Chart

21,CSS3 Help Sheet.

22,CSS 3 selector syntax

23,CSS3 Quick Reference Guide

24,CSS 3 Cheat Sheet

25,WebKit CSS3 Cheat Sheet

26,CSS3 Color Names

27,HTML5 and CSS 3 Cheat Sheets

28,HTML5 & CSS3 Support

29,CSS 3 cheat sheet

30,Compatibility tables for support of CSS3

31,CSS3 – Information and samples

(Source : )
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