Most of the stuff in this section is highly linked and related to t0mmy's thread ^^^ so it'd be a good idea for you to start there before reading the below.
As I mentioned earlier, I love doing churn/burn. I find it relatively easy, quick and straight forward. I don't have to worry about the longevity of a site and at the same time I don't have to worry about producing "white hat" links. I can go as black hat as I want. For most people, as soon as they hit their goal of reaching #1 - they stop and they move onto the next site/niche.
You're doing it wrong.
Black Har SEOer story series:Why move to another niche when you can dominate your niche completely?
Check out this article here. According to the study (which was done in 2014 by the way.. so the figures have probably increased now!) 71.33% of searches resulted in a Page 1 click. The top 5 results account for just under 68% of all clicks. Here's a quick visual representation..

Just to clarify again.. the #1 position receives approx 31.24% of all clicks.
Positions #2 to #10 in total receive around 40.09% of all clicks.
Dominating Page 1 can get you 71.33% of all clicks.
What would you rather have?
31% or 71%?
Wouldn't you want to potentially triple your traffic? Of course you do.
This is why you should focus on dominating your niche once you rank #1 rather than moving onto the next.
Why, you ask?
This is SEO. There are competitors that'll pretty much do anything to get you off the SERP's. Let me give you a quick example. Okay, great, you've managed to hit the #1 position for your main keyword and you're now making $200/day. However, a week later your competition plays it dirty and you've now dropped down to Page 3 and you're making $1 every month. You're screwed. The solution? Dominate your niche. So now you've got 7 sites on Page 1 and in total you're making $500/day. A week later your competition plays it dirty and knocks your top site off the SERP's.. sure, you've lost revenue but you're still making some money. The extra sites you have ranked on Page 1 act as a back up. They act as a contingency. You can then go ahead and focus on hitting #1 again with a different site whilst your other 6 sites continue to make you consistent money on Page 1.
One of the tips I gave at the start of this whole thread was to scale everything up. This links back to that. Even if you're not ranking #1 yet, start to deploy other sites so that you end up controlling Page 1 for your keyword.
Unless your keyword has no authority sites ranking at all, it's going to be quite tough to dominate all 10 positions on Page 1. However, the key is to dominate most of it.
This is a site I have just now that dominates Page 1 for the main keyword.

As you can see, 7/10 of my sites are on Page 1 for the main keyword.
The keyword isn't that competitive which made my job slightly easier.. but in a few months this keyword will become very "commercial" and it's bound to easily do $X,XXX/day/site. Do you see the bigger picture now? Why rank 1 site on Page 1 when you can rank as many as you can and bank as much as possible.
The standard way of doing all this would be to just register a new domain, create a site and get it ranked. Rinse and repeat.
However, the slightly easier way of doing all this would be to use "parasites"
I like to call these "leechers" instead.
Because they "leech" from the root domain. I'm assuming by now you know what a "parasite/leech" is.
So instead of dominating Page 1 using brand new domains each time, we can do it with "leechers".
This saves us time messing around with themes, saves us money from buying domain names, and it just makes everything a lot easier in my opinion. Now, the method explained in t0mmy's thread with parasites still work.. but the only thing I would do different is the type of leecher sites you use. If you do a bit of research, you'll find that a lot of people have been using Amazon, Youtube, Moonfruit, Wix, sites.google.com, Weebly, etc as leecher sites... and there's nothing wrong with that.
However, in my opinion, the best results come from using leecher sites that not many people know about. Let me give you a quick example.

I'm sure you all remember back in the day when everyone would use PRWeb as their leecher site. It worked excellent for a while until Google slapped their site in 2014. It's probably not the best of ideas to use PRWeb as your leecher today.
I could just write my list of unknown leecher sites I use as of this year, but that would be pointless. Why? Because everyone would just use them and the overall effect of the sites would gradually decrease. Instead, let me tell you how you can assess the quality and potential of a possible leecher site yourself.
1. The first thing to do is find the leecher site you want to use. In this case, for this example, I'll use dudamobile.com.
2. Head over to SEMRush and enter in the URL and hit "Search"
3. Click on "Organic Research" on the left and then make sure you're on the "Keywords" tab.
You should now see something like this..

As you can see, the graph here is increasing so that's a good sign for us. We can go ahead and use this as a leecher site.
Here are a few others you can check out/use (some of these require a bit of creative thinking to use them to their full potential)... I particularly like Strikingly and Imgur.












Keep an eye on the graph when you check different leecher sites. If you notice the graph is going downwards pretty significantly, then there's a high chance that particular leecher site is being abused.
Here are few of the more "common" ones that still work in my opinion:
Facebook (make sure to have a well designed cover photo that has your target URL on it)
Twitter (you can use the method I shared above to find some quality, expired Twitter accounts to use as leechers)
Instagram (again, you can use the method I shared above to scrape expired Instagram accounts)
Amazon Product Pages (lightningblitz talks a bit about Amazon on his Jr VIP thread over here)
The key is to find leecher sites that hasn't been abused. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Dudamobile, Strikingly are excellent to use as leecher sites just now. I have a few more sites that I use which I'll share in the coming weeks once I've used them a bit more

So the first thing you'll need to do is create all your properties so that you're ready to begin your Page 1 domination. I personally like to have at least 3 domains/sites created in Wordpress myself and for the others I use leechers such as Facebook, etc. If you're using sites like Dudamobile and Strikingly, make sure to get plenty of quality content in there. Even though these are just leecher sites, we still want them to look genuine.
Add some quality content (1000+ words) and also add some images/OBL's/etc. Make the property feel somewhat genuine. The last thing you want is for your property to get removed due to it being too spammy/suspicious. Put some effort into making these pages look good!
Want to keyword stuff on the page? No problem, go for it. But do it smartly. If you read t0mmy's thread properly, then you'll remember the following statement:
"So pages on these sites can take a hammering of links and be ranked very quickly - some even in a few days, I shit you not! This simply isn't doable with a normal website in such a short time frame.
Forget the rule book here too, it's out the window! Normal SEO rules do not apply, you can fire mass links at these babies like a maniac, again you couldn't do this in most cases with a normal web property without setting off red flags. These sites are already online and thriving, they are free for you to use.. The costs here are your time in doing SEO and content if you are using a content based parasite like I will be showing you below."
So it doesn't really matter if you start keyword stuffing all over the place. Just make sure to do it somewhat naturally so that the page doesn't get removed by the moderation team. These sites can take more damage than your typical Wordpress sites.. so this allows us to have a bit more fun with these.
Once you have all your properties/leecher sites set up, send some social signals to them. This is something I usually do right at the very beginning for almost all my sites. It's just something that comes to me naturally and it should be something you should be doing naturally too. Social signals are the very first type of links most sites should be receiving once they've been created. Feel free to buy a gig on Fiverr if you'd like. I actually did a separate test/case study to see whether there was a difference in results when using fake/botted social signals as opposed to real social signals (I'll post that case study later once I do a bit more testing..) but from experience, fake social signals do the job fine too. These give your leecher sites that "viral" effect.
Once you've sent your social signals (feel free to just send them instantly - no need for any drips to be honest), it's time for the main phase - link building. I'm not going to talk too much about this - because lightningblitz has a pretty awesome thread that covers some nice strategies you can use - read that thread here. I would particularly use the URL shorteners method as that's quite straight forward and it goes hand in hand with leecher sites.
Here is one of the strategies I like to use.. (lightningblitz has already written very detailed versions similar to this strategy so it's worth checking them out too).
The below strategy isn't supposed to be "new" or "creative". It's a tried and tested "formula" that works. Period.
After I've sent the social signals, I immediately send out some quality PBN links from my network. The amount of links I send really varies based on the competition of the keywords/niche I'm going after - but for this example, let's just say I'll send 20 PBN links. I don't worry about metrics and all that. I just pick 20 solid domains from my network and I create posts on them linking to the leecher site. Anchors? I use my main money keywords that I want to rank for.
At the same time, I get some spammier type links in the works. This could be a Scrapebox or a GSA blast.. whatever. You're looking for a bit of quantity here as opposed to quality. URL shorteners also work well if you manage to build them in bigger numbers (you can get guys on Fiverr here who'll create 100+ shorteners for you). It would be good if your Scrapebox/GSA blasts were done using verified lists. Anchors? Go after generic anchors, URL variations, brand anchors and so on. Don't target your main anchors (you could... but I've been getting better results just leaving the main keywords out of this stage). Keywordshitter is a gem of a tool for finding hundreds of partials/longtails/variations of your main keywords.
So, just to clarify again:
- Leecher site created
- Social signals sent
- PBN links sent to leecher site targeting main keywords
- Scrapebox/GSA/contextual links/blast sent to leecher site targeting longtails/generics/branded/URL anchors
And then you can take it a step further by pumping up your Scrapebox/GSA blast with more links (trackbacks, blog comments, etc - go insane with this if you want - target just brand/URL variations).
Sounds pretty simple? That's because it is.
I guarantee if you do the above and your keywords aren't super competitive, you will see results.
Based on the type of results you see, you can then go out and repeat the process again but with more links. This means more PBN links, a bigger contextual blast and so on - until you reach your desired positions. Most of the juice is going to come from the PBN links so make sure to get some quality links there. You could probably get away with ranking these leecher sites with just the Scrapebox/GSA blasts.. but I've never really had that much success with that route.
This follows on from the above strategy. The above process works quite well for low-medium competition keywords, but if you're going after a really tough keyword then you'd probably need to play it more dirty.
The easiest way would to be send more PBN links to each leecher site. Buying PBN links may not be the most cost effective, especially if you're planning to create several leecher sites. Instead, create your own PBN. I know to a lot of you this is "too much work" but if you're serious about ranking the big money keywords (that do $X,XXX-$XX,XXX/day) then you really need to invest some money into building your arsenal.
The truth is - I really doubt you're going to rank for a keyword that makes mid $X,XXX/day using a $250 BHW package. It doesn't work like that or else everyone would be killing it in every niche. You need to play a bit dirty and that requires more work. If you don't want to do more work, then don't go after insane niches. I get countless amounts of people adding me on Skype weekly asking for advice on how to rank. When I ask them what their keyword is, they reply with something like "making money online" or "buy instagram followers". And then when asked for their SEO budget, they say under $300/m. I immediately block them because they simply don't deserve anyones time or advice. Be realistic. If you don't have the necessary budget or resources to rank for tough keywords, then start with something easier.
If you don't want to go down the PBN route, then an alternative would be to build lots of quality Web 2.0s and pump them up. Emitesh (7thamigo) provides a brilliant service for Web 2.0s. I usually create "custom" packages with him so if that's what you want, give him an add on Skype and I'm sure he'll help you out. Once you have a bunch of Web 2.0s made, just pump it up. Again, social signals, contextual blasts, etc - (remember to target only branded anchors, URL variations and so on with the "pump up" links).
If you don't want to go down the Web 2.0s route, then try this. Find any decent, aged domain. It doesn't matter what you choose as we'll only be using this to pump more spam/force to it. Feel free to use any domain marketplace to find an aged domain - Godaddy, Namecheap, Sedo, Snapnames, whatever. Filter the domains you have by price if you're looking to find the cheapest one. Once you have a couple potential domains, find out how old they are. Here's one I found...
The key is to find an aged domain. Anything from 5+ years is good enough in my opinion, although you could probably get away with 3+ years as well. Once you've purchased the domain and got the hosting sorted out, go ahead and edit the .htaccess to block all bots/crawlers. You could do this using plugins as well, but .htaccess is probably the easiest, "traditional" way of doing it.
Once you've done that, go ahead and do a .301 redirect to your leecher site. You're now ready.
Now all you need to do is follow the same sort of "process" as you did with the link building before. Go ahead and spam the shit out of this domain. The boundaries for you to experiment are endless. The pretty cool thing with churn/burn sites and leecher sites is that you have more freedom to experiment with different strategies and tricks.
Even though the above 2 methods work, I would still throw in some PBN links into the mix. Most of your stronger/quality power is going to come from PBN links and that can make a huge difference to ranking your leecher sites. If you don't have the funds to invest in a PBN/PBN service, then you could get away with using SAPE/other high PR networks/foreign networks.
Once you've cracked Page 1 positions for your site - instead of moving onto the next niche, start deploying more sites/leecher sites in the same niche. Dominate Page 1 so that you're absorbing the most traffic possible.
Leecher sites/parasites work great for this. Build a bunch of leecher sites and then experiment with them using spam/other shady tactics and techniques.
Watch your rankings grow and soon you'll own most the sites on Page 1. What does this mean for you? More traffic, more conversions, more eyes on your sites and ultimately - more $$.
The thing about leecher sites is that sometimes you need to "maintain" the link building. For example, Scrapebox or GSA contextual blasts don't last forever. The links are bound to get removed/lost in a month or 2 and that means you need to create new ones so that the "momentum" is still there. Don't get lazy. Maintain your leecher sites just like you would maintain your money sites.
So... next time you crack the #1 spot for your keyword - stop for a second and think.
If you can crack #1 and make solid money, why not take up all the other spaces on Page 1 too? Dominate your niche and reduce the risk! Be a boss!
Black Har SEOer story series: