Now to move blog posts from WordPress to blogger blog is made easy. There may be many reasons for migrating from WordPress to blogger. Some of the reasons are..
1) Making use of blogger(blogspot) as an online backup storage for maintaining your WordPress blog posts.
2) Some of the hosting problems(such as money, bandwidth etc) that forces webmaster to migrate from WordPress to blogger.
As stated above, you can backup your WordPress blog posts on the blogger( website. In order to be at a safe side we have to look after all the blog posts that we write and backup those blog posts to any storage area that is safe and can be retrieved back in the future. I have chosen blogger( as a means of backup to the articles that I write to my WordPress website. As you know that blogger( is maintained by Google which is one of the biggest company in the world. Let’s see the steps that are involved for backing up WordPress blog posts to blogger.
Backup WordPress posts to blogger website
I will explain you by following some simple steps.
Note: Below explained procedure from step 1 to step 4 will teach you how to migrate your WordPress blog to blogger website. From step 5 to step 6 you will learn how to backup WordPress blog posts to blogger website.
step 1: Log in to your WordPress dashboard. Then navigate to Tools >> export. Click on export.
Step 2: There will be 3 options specified in export window. All content, Posts, Pages. If you choose all content then posts and pages are included in the backup XML file. If you are migrating from WordPress to blogger then choose all content else if you only want to backup blog posts from WordPress to blogger choose Posts among the given options. The choice is up to you. You can choose an of the options and Click on Download Export File. An XML file will be downloaded to your local computer.
Note: Blogger and WordPress both the blog services uses XML files for transferring(exporting and importing) files from one website to another website. But blogger XML file is different from WordPress XML file. Here we cannot upload WordPress XML file to blogger and vice verse since the markup language is very different. So follow step 3 to convert XML file of WordPress to Blogger.
Step 3: Go to wordpress2blogger website. This website is specifically designed to convert WordPress XML files to suit blogger environment. In that website upload your downloaded WordPress XML file ( using step 2) by choosing it from your local computer. Hit the convert button. It will give you an output of blogger XML file that fits for uploading to blogger. Download that file.
step 4: Upload the downloaded XML file from wordpress2blogger website to your blogger website. For uploading go to blogger dashboard then navigate to Settings>> Others >> click on Import blogs and upload your blog XML file by choosing the file downloaded to your local computer in step 3. You can also decide whether to publish your imported posts from WordPress to blogger by checking automatically publish all imported posts box.
Note: It is very crucial to not index all imported blog posts if we are making use of blogger to backup the WordPress blog posts. If backup posts are indexed by search engines then redundant data/content will be generated. This is harmful for the site ranks so we have to make sure that the imported blog posts at any cost should not get indexed by the search engines. In order to tell search engines not to index the blogger website that is used as a back up we have to make use of robots.txt file. So follow step 5 for utilizing robots.txt file in the blogger website.
Step 5: Go to blogger dashboard once again and this time navigate to Settings >> search preferences >> enable custom robots.txt file. In the text area type the below code or just copy paste it.
With the help of the above code in robots.txt file we are telling all the search engines not to crawl and index the site.
Make sure your blogs robots.txt file is working good. For checking type your blogspot URL followed by robots.txt. For example The above code should display in 2 lines as it is. If there are any problems check your robots.txt file settings.
step 6: After copy pasting the above code save robots.txt file. You are done backing up all blog posts from WordPress to blogger successfully.
This is an easy way to backup all the blog posts from WordPress to blogger. Just make sure you don’t do any mistake in step 5 otherwise redundant content for your original WordPress website will be generated.