Thursday, March 17, 2016

How To Respond To A Negative Comments On Social Media?

Everyone, in one way or another, encountered with negative comments on Social Networks. Whether on a personal profile, artistic or online business Page, from time to time it happens that someone writes a negative comment on your posts, images, videos, products (etc.). Sometimes it's a constructive suggestion that should be taken into consideration. Then there are those abusive comments (abusive and negative are not the same thing), we suggest that those type of comments you report and / or delete it.

There are several ways to deal with negative comments and although these are mostly strategies recommended for business Pages, more than few of them you can use with your personal Profile. (certain can also be used in case of personal profiles).

A few tips and pointers first.

Always reply to messages or comments as soon as you are able. The sooner the better. Studies have shown that the majority of users of social networks are expecting the response during that day, with the declining interest in your response over the time.
Also, do not always follow the planned responses. If your logo is something like 'be positive', do not write it on every post, and especially not on the negative ones. Step out of the set rules from time to time.
It is important to know that if you belong to those 68% who respond to negative comments, it could lead to next: 18% of people who have received a response on their complaints become loyal customers, 33% after the response write a positive feedback, and 34% delete their negative comment after the (satisfying) response.
What would be a satisfying answer? Do not just write 'We are sorry for your experience / opinion'. Ask for more information, if it is necessary. Inform user, if the problem is a lack of information. Solve it, if you are able. Answers of ‘copy/paste’ type will perhaps stop further comments from the same user, but you will not use the situation to your advantage.

Here we have covered two techniques:

1. Inform and educate

Inform and educate unsatisfied customer (or solve the problem)

2. Have a conversation

Have a conversation / discussion away from strife or dispute and towards a more positive outcome - in this case, if you fail to immediately correct the problem, however, it will have a positive impact on your reputation
But what if you are not able to solve the problem in this way or a negative comment is pointless, meaningless or just mean? First of all, it should be noted that - negative comments by no means should be understood as a personal attack, but more like an opinion contrary to yours.

3. Meaningless Comments

If the comment is meaningless, you can simply ignore it, especially if the other users, in response, write positive comments. In just a few minutes, something else will be hot on your Page. If negative comment is repeated or comes from several sources, be sure to ‘ignore but monitor’.

4. Stay Calm

Of course, if the situation from point 3 continues, you can always delete the comment and ban / block commentators. The Internet is not a big happy family and you are not obligated to listen to the people who are arguing with you. But even this can culminate.

5. Disagreement

If the disagreement becomes dispute with threats, profanity or deliberate attack on your work or personality, remember that on your disposal are legal means. Everyone must stand behind their claims, and yes, even on the internet.
But what if you feel that these solutions are not quite what you need – negative comment is not about a problem or complaint, but neither is meaningless attack. If it is only statement without explanation, something like ‘do not eat at XYZ’, or any other type of comment you can’t resolve or ignore, consider these strategies:

6. Own it

There are several popular examples when the company, own, adopt and roll back negative comments to their advantage. Of course this is not possible with every comment and requires a specific situation when negativity can turn into fun, something comical and interesting, which will bring you new customers.

7. Fight it

Tthe best answer when it comes to false or stupid comments. Challenge that user, give or defend your opinions, while, thanks to the knowledge and informations, provoking the attacker. Be a strong leader of your business.
Depending on your situation, business, habits and affinities, select the strategy that best suits you or come up with your own, but remember, not all of them are applicable everywhere, and that there is far more ways of coping with the negative comments, we only highlighted the most frequently used tactics.
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